GrassGro Case Studies

Case studies undertaken with GrassGro

Enterprise Location Issue analysed File to Download
Self-replacing Merino ewes, Merino wethers WA wheatbelt

Scope to reduce the intensity of livestock methane emissions

Gebbels et al. (2022)
Self-replacing Merino ewes Southern Australia
(7 low-medium rainfall sites)

Implications of differences in the nutritive value of annual pasture legumes for the economic value for mixed farming systems of southern Australia

Thomas et al. (2021)
Agricultural Systems
Merino ewes producing crossbred lambs Tarcutta (NSW)

Effect of initial debt:equity ratio on the financial risk facing farmers

Godfrey et al. (2021)
Merino ewes producing crossbred lambs Tarcutta (NSW)

Stocking rate
Lambing time
Ram breed

Robertson & Friend (2020)
Animal Production Science
Multiple Temperate Australia

An estimate of carrying capacity of land for ruminant livestock production across southern Australia, using gridded batch simulation modelling

Thomas et al. (2019)
Agronomy Conference
Self-replacing Merino ewes South West Victoria Estimation of whole-farm greenhouse gas balances Doran-Browne et al. (2016)
Animal Production Science
Self-replacing Merino ewes South West Victoria Scope to reduce whole-system livestock methane emissions:
– Lambing time
– Younger first joining of ewes
– Ewe fecundity
– Conversion efficiencies
Alcock et al. (2015)
Agricultural Systems
Dual purpose Merino South West WA Introducing perennials for increasing gross margins International Grasslands Congress 2013
Self-replacing Merino ewes Southern Australia Effect of climate change on grassland production and lucerne content International Grasslands Congress 2013
Variety Southern Australia Climate change – Genetic improvement and enterprise choice International Grasslands Congress 2013
Self-replacing Merino ewes South West Victoria Aluminium tolerance in lucerne International Grasslands Congress 2013
Fine wool Merino Bungarby – Monaro area NSW Restocking after drought. Choosing to purchase or modify lambing times. Oliver Cay – 2012

Proceedings of the 27th Annual Conference of The Grassland Society of NSW

Merino ewes Skipton (VIC) The costs and benefits of implementing an intense rotational grazing system GrassGro e-news (Apr 2009)
Merino ewes, Merino wethers, crossbred ewes  Hamilton (VIC) & Bookham (NSW) The effects of fertiliser price on the optimal management of fertiliser application rate and stocking rate GrassGro e-news (Jan 2009)
Merino and crossbred ewe flocks Inverleigh, VIC The indirect benefits for pasture production when grazing dual-purpose cereals Poster GSSA 2008
Paper GSSA 2008
Crossbred ewes Wagga Wagga, NSW Assessing management options for predictable feed gaps in Autumn Poster GSNSW 2008
Paper GSNSW 2008
Merino ewes Yass and Parkes, NSW Costs and benefits of achieving fat score targets for national Lifetime Wool Project Paper-AFBMNetwork (3)2
Merino wethers Yass, NSW Variability in production risks and cash flows over 117 years Paper-GSNSW 2007
Poster-GSNSW 2007
Merino wethers Beaufort, VIC Assessing emerging seasonal risks with successive tactical analyses Abstract-GSSA 2007
Poster-GSSA 2007
Merino wethers; Merino, Dual-purpose and First-cross ewe flocks Mortlake, VIC; Rutherglen, VIC; Cowra, NSW; Naracoorte, SA Optimum wool-meatsheep enterprise mix Paper-Sheep CRC 2006
Beef cows Apsley, TAS Profit drivers for beef herds-calving date, stocking rate and weaner vs yearling production Paper-GSSA TAS 2005
Presentation-GSSA TAS 2005
Bull beef trading Branxholme, VIC Assessing production risks and profitability of Friesian bulls using tactical analysis Paper-GSSA 2003
Merino wethers Hopetoun, WA Economic impact of destocking pasture to reduce soil loss Paper-WTSB 2002a
Merino ewes Kybybolite, SA Costs and benefits of grazing deferment Paper-WTSB 2002b
Merino ewes Gundagai, NSW Using production risks to assess land capability Presentation
Merino ewes producing heavy wethers for live sheep trade Willalooka, SA The value of lucerne to a wool enterprise Presentation