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GrassGro e-news

      • October 2008 – using GrassGro in mixed farming situations and the release of GrassGro 3.1
      • January 2009 – assessing the impact of fertiliser price on optimal management of fertiliser and stocking rates
      • April 2009 – Intense rotational grazing: is it worth the investment? (a spreadsheet showing the discounted cash flow analysis is available here)




Donnelly, J.R., Salmon, L. Cohen, R.D.H., Liu, ZL. and Xin, XP. (2005). Decision support for temperate grasslands, challenges and pitfalls. In Utilisation of grasslands in temperate animal systems. Ed. Murphy J.J.. Proceedings of a satellite workshop of the Twentieth International Grasslands Congress, Cork, Ireland: 105-117 

Herrmann, N.I., Zurcher, E.J., Designing decision support systems for factorial analyses. 19th International Congress on Modelling and Simulation, Perth, Australia, 12–16 December 2011 http://mssanz.org.au/modsim2011

Moore, A. D. and Salmon, L. (2005). The Business of Grazing- trends and risks in Australian Grassland Farming. Producer Session: XX International Grasslands Congress, Dublin, Ireland

Salmon, L., Counsell, D. and Rhodes, T. (2005). Profitability of Tasmanian Beef Enterprises. Proceedings 14th Annual Conference of the Grassland Society of Southern Australia Conference, Tasmanian Branch. Hamilton, Tasmania: 44-58

Salmon, L.Managing production risk in grazing businesses – GrassGroTM (2004).Invited paper for Sheep Medicine Proc. 355 Post Graduate Foundation in Veterinary Science, University of Sydney. pp 313-322

Salmon, L., Counsell, D., Bastock, P., Ackland, S., Barrington, S., Friend, D. and Statham, M. (2004). Invited paper for GrassGro: targeted information for profitable grazing businesses. Proc. 45th Annual Conf.Grassland Soc. Southern Aust. Launceston: 51-56

Salmon, L.(2004). Filling the Feed Gaps. Invited paper for Grains Research Update Techincal Research Update for Farm Advisers and Industry Specialists, Wagga Wagga, NSW. Grains Research and Development Corporation. pp 23-27

Salmon, L. Testing the value of cereal grains and forages in grazing systems using decision support tools- a whole farm approach (2004) Invited paper for Grains Research Update Program for Higher Rainfall Farmers, Orange, NSW and Dunkeld, VIC.Grains Research and Development Corporation

Salmon, L., Simpson, R.J., Donnelly,J.R. and Moore, A.D. (2002). A blueprint for delivering the benefits of GrassGro within an advisory service. Invited paper for District Agronomists’ Conf. 2002 Proc. Orange

Daily, H. and Salmon, L. (2002) Education and decision support tools – the future for sustainable grazing businesses. Invited paper for I.T. Advances for the Livestock Industries 2002

Simpson, R.J., Salmon, L., Moore, A.D., Donnelly, J.R. and Freer, M. (2001) Towards a common advisory toolkit for managing temperate grazing systems.Proceedings of the 10th Australian Agronomy Conference, Hobart.www.regional.org.au/au/asa/2001/

Simpson R.J., Salmon E.M., Burbidge G., Donnelly J.R. and Moore A.D. (2001)Farm systems for your environment. Proceedings of the Grassland Society of Victoria 42nd Annual Conference, Mt Gambier. pp. 3-14.

Simpson, R.J., Salmon, L., Moore, A.D. and Graham, P. (2002)GrassGro – supporting management of grazing enterprises for profit and sustainability.Proceedings of the Australian Society of Animal Production 24:451-455.

Donnelly, J.R., Simpson, R.J., Salmon, L., Moore, A.D., Freer, M. and Dove, H. (2002) Forage-livestock models for the Australian livestock industry.In. Agricultural System models in Field Research and Technology Transfer. (Chapter 2), (Eds. Ahuja, L.R., Ma, L. and Howell, T.A.) pp. 9-32, CRC Press/Lewis Publishing