Purchase Software

The AusFarm, GrazFeed, GrassGro and MetAccess software packages can be downloaded directly from CSIRO’s Data Access Portal.

Once each software package has been installed, a key to activate it is also required. Activation keys are obtained from CSIRO’s AgDataShop website. The annual subscription fees to acquire these activation keys are given in the table below.

If you require immediate attention for any other matter please use the Contact Us page.

Software Package Annual Subscription Download Page Activation Key
GrazFeed A$70 Download Software Purchase Key
GrassGro A$110 Download Software Purchase Key
AusFarm $0 Download Software Acquire Key
MetAccess $0 Download Software Acquire Key
GRAZPLAN weather files A$50 Purchase Dataset

If you require volume discounts or special installations (e.g. for teaching purposes) please contact us.

From 1989 to 2021, Horizon Agriculture acted as the distributor of the GrazPlan software. We would like to record our gratitude to Horizon & to its principal, Rob McCook, for their contribution to the success of GrazPlan. To purchase GrazPlan software there are facilities on the CSIRO AgData Shop to purchase annual subscriptions.