Useful links and downloads
Software Downloads
GRAZPLAN software applications are now available from the CSIRO Data Portal. Click the link below to access the downloads. You will then be able to install the software and run it in trial mode by entering ‘trial’ in for the activation key.
Download links:
AusFarm (free to use)
GrassGro (Paid annual subscription – $110)
GrazFeed (Paid annual subscription – $70)
MetAccess (free to use)
GRAZPLAN weather (currently up to Dec 2021) data from the Bureau of Meteorology which includes wind speed data. This can be used in GrassGro, AusFarm, and MetAccess. (one time cost of $50. Does not require activation)
How to Activate Your Software
To activate your software you need to go to the CSIRO AgData Shop website. Using your Installation ID you see when you first run your software, you can purchase a subscription.
Once you have activated your copy of the software you can download and install updates at no cost.
Related CSIRO software tools
- CSIRO: Technical paper on GrazFeed
- GrazPlan Pasture Model
- Australian Journal of Experimental Agriculture: GrassGro case study in the Victorian Mallee
- Australian Journal of Experimental Agriculture: GrassGro evaluation study
- Sheep CRC
- MODSIM 2011: Designing Decision Support systems for factorial Analyses
- MODSIM 2015: Modelling mixed farming enterprises using AusFarm
Weather and climate
- Australia wide: APSoil and APSoil database
- Australia wide: Soil and Landscape Grid of Australia
- Australia wide: Australian Soil Resource Information System (ASRIS)
- Australia wide: Bureau of Rural Sciences: Digital Atlas of Australian Soils
- Australia wide: eWater catchment modelling toolkit
- New South Wales: Soil and land information (eSPADE)
- Victoria: Victorian Resources Online: Soils
- Western Australia: MySoil – summarises thousands of soils
- Western Australia: Soil guide : a handbook for understanding and managing agricultural soils
Supplement prices
- Weekly Grain and Hay report from Dairy Australia
Industry groups
State Departments of Agriculture
- Tasmania: Department of Primary Industry, Water and Environment
- New South Wales: NSW Department of Primary Industries
- Queensland: Department of Agriculture and Fisheries
- South Australia: Primary Industries and Regions SA
- Victoria: Agriculture Victoria
- Western Australia: Department of Primary Industries and Regional Development – Agriculture and Food