MetAccess FAQ
Questions and answers
- What weather data can I access in MetAccess?
- Does MetAccess include SOI?
- Can I show multiple stations on one chart?
- How accurate are the data?
- What is the format of weather data in MetAccess?
1. What weather data can I access in MetAccess?
MetAccess is sold with weather data direct from the Bureau of Meteorology for all official Bureau weather stations in Australia and it’s territories. MetAccess (from ver 1.20 onwards) can also access SILO format weather data files.
2. Does MetAccess include SOI?
MetAccess does not include any facility for examining the SOI. MetAccess is primarily a tool for examining historical weather data.
3. Can I show multiple stations on one chart?
Yes you can. This is done by generating a chart for each weather station and then dragging, with the mouse, an item from one chart legend to another chart.
At this time it is not possible to combine results from multiple weather stations on one table.
MetAccess conatins historical weather records that are processed for errors by the Bureau of Meteorology. In MetAccess, users can specify the proportion of missing values that will be tolerated for calculations from any set of data.
5. What is the format of weather data in MetAccess?
MetAccess uses compressed weather files that are in a format that MetAccess can read. Users can also import their own daily weather data into MetAccess from space-delimited text files. In MetAccess, the user can tabulate weather data and then copy and paste them into another application, such as a spreadsheet.