AusFarm Release notes

AusFarm Changes

Version 1.6.2, Feb 2024


  1. Includes pasture parameters for Tall Fescue and Cocksfoot as revised by a UTAS project.
  2. Added option to show structural highlighting in the Manager scripts.
  3. SILO file reader now supports a wind speed column.


  1. Kikuyu parameters have been revised and it is not a beta species anymore.
  2. Improved the choosing of alternate paths for parameter files in simulation files when the simulation is opened.
  3. SILO file reader improved.
  4. Pasture component – dormancy mean temp calculated correctly. Modifies some pasture results.
  5. Fixed report charting with 0 origin and negative values.

Version 1.6.1, Apr 2022


  1. Exporting a simulation now defaults to .sdml file type.
  2. Fixed sheep lactation parameter in animal parameters.
  3. Age list of animals is empty now when there are no animals.


Version 1.6.0, Oct 2021


  1. Uses APSIM 7.10 models including cotton.
  2. Opening simulations with input files, parameter files and SILO files
    will have their paths checked and if they cannot be found then they
    will be assumed to be in the same directory as the simulation file. If
    the parameter file (pasture, stock, forage) is not found there, the
    installation directory is checked. This mostly negates the need to
    choose File | Import.
  3. Added option to save a .bak file of the simulation to keep a copy of the last state of the simulation file.
  4. Can now export all the simulations from an Analysis to a batch list for running later from the command line using AusCmd.exe.
  5. The batch running facility in AusFarm can now run a list of .sdml files.


  1. The Weather component dialog has some minor user friendly improvements.
  2. Improved Manager script log file naming.
  3. Fixed the delete report option in the popup menu.
  4. The Firebird database is working properly again. Added missing file.

Version 1.5.3, Dec 2020


  1. Shows the animal parameter file version on the Stock dialog.


  1. The Stock component has dairy cattle milk production improved
    for lactating without calves at foot. Updated animal parameter set.
  2. The weather component now supports GrazPlan weather database in .zip format.
  3. Fixed a crash in the exporting of a simulation.
  4. Reduced excessive messages about changed simulation immediately after opening.
  5. Improve Analysis tree popup menu options.
  6. Wean event can now be ‘all’ or ‘both’.

Version 1.5.2, Mar 2020


  1. The lucerne parameters have been changed to as used in project MLA B.DSS.0008.


  1. The weather component is further revised to support more SILO file format changes.
  2. Random errors when using the Weather component initialisation dialog have been fixed.
  3. The simulation exporting was causing access violation errors.
  4. Changes to manager scripts don’t get lost now when the options dialog is closed.
  5. After opening a simulation and closing without changes has less dialog prompts.

Version 1.5.1, Oct 2019


  1. The weather component can now read the new format SILO files. It also has more flexibility to incorporate more changed formats.
  2. Fixed the model tab for the APSIM models.

Version 1.5.0, Sep 2018


  1. Fixed the TextOut component. Year intervals were causing the columns not to be sorted.
  2. Simulation files are saved with component paths shortened so that they are resolved from the model palette.
  3. Allows use of newer APSIM SILO format weather data files that have changes to date and code column formats.


  1. Added a ‘usetag’ parameter to the Stock component Buy event.
  2. Added a Deaths property to the the Stock component to make it easy to track actual deaths of non suckling animals.
  3. Improved
    the configuration of the APSIM translator components by adding an
    option in the model tree popup menu. Many of the translator options can
    now be set automatically.
  4. Cashbook component constants now have a description field.

Version 1.4.14, June 2016


  1. The Stock component now calculates the conception rates correctly. The numbers of young for single and twins will now be higher.
  2. Fixed
    a bug in the date controls for the Charting window for simulation
    results. The date ranges can now be adjusted as needed.
  3. APSIM
    soil parameter changes – (nit_n2o_frac) Fraction of nitrified nitrogen
    lost as n2o now 0.002, (dnit_rate_coeff) denitrification rate
    coefficient (kg soil/mg C per day) now 0.001379
  4. Fixed  divide by zero error in animal model. The intake proportions are now calculated properly in the sub time steps.
  5. Pasture
    component; Gaseous loss of N to the atmosphere restricted to cases
    where NPP is negative or zero (i.e. growing plants retain excess N for
    future recycling). Noticable effects with legumes and following crops.
  6. Fixed annoying bug on Report editing dialog that caused the highlighted row in the grid of variables to go haywire.

Version 1.4.13, Nov 2015

  1. Added a Reformatting option to the Manager script editor.
  2. Output
    selection for the TextOut component can now be done from the Variables
    tree by right clicking a variable. Also by dragging variables
    from the tree used for the variable selection by the database
    Output component.
  3. Cultivar names for APSIM crop components can be listed by right clicking on the component icon in the model toolbar.
  4. New functions for Manager scripts: pos(), datewithin(). Also new way to initialise arrays efficiently.
  5. APSoils
    pasted into a paddock now copy all the crop soil parameters. Calculates
    values for crops that are missing in the soil description.
  6. Base components in the factor tree can now be edited.


  1. The Pasture component accesses green_dm correctly now from sibling components.
  2. More performance improvements. Significant when using large Manager scripts.
  3. The initialisation grid for APSIM components now uses the whole width of the panel to show the inital settings.
  4. The Stock component buy event now allows purchasing of animals with the correct number of foetuses.
  5. Fixed bug which led to cross-bred young incorrectly using parameters of their female parent’s breed.
  6. GrassGro soils are now configured with the correct layers when importing a GrassGro Farm system.
  7. When
    editing initialisation values in the factor tree, the values would not
    always be saved if the editor was still in edit mode when selecting
    another component in the tree.

Version 1.4.12, Jun 2015

  1. Uses APSIM 7.7 components.
  2. Generic component dialog is improved.
  3. Added a resize() function to the Manager scripting language for resizing array lengths during run time.
  4. Manager components in the model tree have hints that show their sequence order.
  5. Tooltips for the APSIM models in the model palette now show the xml parameter file path if extended tooltips are being used.


  1. Fixed
    the problem when opening or importing simulations that have APSIM
    components with initialsation sections that included all the constants.
    The uptake_source value was being lost and causing the simulation to give unexpected wayward results.
  2. The
    .out file with the APSIM component summary from the simulation run is
    now created reliably on Window 7 +. It required a hidden console to be
  3. The initialisation grid for APSIM components now works reliably.

Version 1.4.11, May 2015

  1. Added a ‘finish’ time specifier to the Manager script to allow for an ‘on finish’ code block.
  2. Soils
    copied from APSoil can be pasted into a paddock in the model tree or the Analysis factor tree. New soilwat, soiln and
    surfaceom components are added or if they exist they are initialised.
  3. Simulation files can be opened by dragging them from Windows Explorer onto the main AusFarm window.
  4. Allow the application to use more than 2GB of memory.
  5. APSIM Manager2 now has some basic support for use in AusFarm.
  6. AusFarm can now use a models.xml file in the executable directory for alternative model installations.
  7. The Weather component can now handle SILO files with mixed line lengths. Read performance has also improved.
  8. Plant components that are not sequenced correctly now have a ! icon.
  9. Units column shows in Output component variable selection tree.
  10. TextOut now allows the user to include units for variables that may not have them such as variables from Manager components.


  1. The TextOut component now attempts to create the directory for it’s output file if is is missing.
  2. When a report is attempted to be displayed and the database file is missing, there are less error message boxes shown.
  3. Pasture
    component: Changed logic for onset of winter dormancy (new parameters
    added). Senescence no longer happens in perennials entering winter
    dormancy. Empty pasture populations stay at the start of the phenological cycle.
  4. More speed improvements. Simulation files open more quickly.
  5. Corrected
    a bug introduced in the last version where aborting a simulation with
    the stop button would cause AusFarm to not terminate correctly and
    leave file handles open.
  6. Deleting a component from the simulation will correctly remove any factor value dependencies.
  7. The differencing tool would not open up correctly when running on Windoows XP.
  8. The
    error on the init grid for APSIM components in the Analysis factors
    saying that it could not focus on a disabled control has been fixed.
  9. Init value editors show correctly now when using APSIM components in the factor trees.
  10. The Output component variables tree now loads much quicker.
  11. Some improvements in terminating the simulation where APSIM components can take some time to clear up memory.
  12. Added ozcot to the default sequencing to allow use of component in the model palette.
  13. At the end of s simulation run, copying the .out file errors now don’t abort any further treatmenets in an Analysis run.
  14. Fixed a small bug in the random number generating class that may alter some outputs when using the Stock component.
  15. The Stock component now checks the paddock areas and slope each day to allow for manager scripts resizing paddocks.
  16. When opening simulations in AusFarm parameter file paths for Pasture, Translator and Stock are checked and fixed if possible.
  17. Simulation
    export works again. Exporting to SDML allows copying of binaries for a
    simulation run. Component paths are made relative (shortened).

Version 1.4.10, Oct 2014

  1. Added a multipaddock, irrigation and mixed farming simulation examples.
  2. Includes APSIM 7.6 release version models.
  3. Manager components in the model tree that have logging selected appear as bold text.
  4. APSIM
    components init properties will now be edited by default in a grid view
    which avoids the previous problem of corrupting XML.
  5. Comparisons
    between components in the model tree are now available from the popup
    menu once a differencing application has been configured in the options. This is also available in the Analysis Factor tree.
  6. The Manager scripts can now have multi-line comments and in-line comments using the C-style syntax of  /* */ .
  7. Added date string owned properties (dd_mm_yyyy, yyyy_mm_dd) to the time server component.
  8. Better error reports from the Manager which include line numbers.
  9. The
    Pasture and Paddock components now have a ‘cut’ event that can send cut
    forage directly to a supplement component fodder store.
  10. The Manager component can now handle expressions for variable initialisaton in a definition statement.
  11. The Manager log files now include script line numbers for each entry.


  1. Errors detected when a pasture parameter file cannot be found are now displayed correctly and AusFarm does not crash.
  2. Stopped the crash when a component dll is missing and AusFarm asks you if you want to remove it from the palette.
  3. Better choices when pasting a component over another in the model tree.
  4. Saving of Manager components when they are factor values works properly now.
  5. Fixed
    Pasture component so that root depth of an existing population is
    correctly preserved at the end of reproductive growth in perennials.
  6. Copy and pasting of reports between simulations now works. Also between simulations and the Repository.
  7. Selecting property array members in the report designer now means the array will be selected correctly in the Output component.
  8. APSIM components now log the fully qualified name for components in the .out summary file that is generated.
  9. Improved the grid on the TextOut component dialog.
  10. Aggregations (max, min, countof) now also work with text fields in reports.
  11. Better copy and paste functionality for the Analysis Factor tree.
  12. The Output component was getting some fields of complex structures in certain configurations confused.
  13. Significant performance improvements during simulation run time.

Version 1.4.9, Mar 2014

  1. APSIM component init sections can now contain a [model] macro that replaces all the default parameters for the component.
  2. Charts can now display stacked bar chart series.
  3. Variable and constant definitions can be initialised with the results of an expression.
  4. The Manager tab now includes a button to directly open a text editor to view the log file.
  5. Whole factors can be removed at once in the Analysis tree.


  1. When a chart series in a report is an array each array item now has a unique colour.
  2. The import dialog for modifying paths now shows less paths and accepts more by default.
  3. The
    component sequencing dialog would sometimes display with no default
    sequence values. This occurred when the models.xml file had duplicated
  4. If
    the ausfarm.ini file was missing from the installation, access
    violations occured which stopped the system from working correctly.
    This was noticed when AusFarm was installed on a non privileged user
  5. When
    the error log file gets too large the memo control gave an out of
    memory error at the end of a simulation run. Now if the file is very
    large only the start and end of the file will be shown.
  6. When
    logging in as another user on the install machine, the settings are
    meant to be copied across from the installation into the user’s data
    paths. This was failing but is now fixed.
  7. The
    Find dialog for the Manager script editor keeps the last searched text
    when it is reopened. The dialog also keeps focus after the end of a
  8. When
    a simulation file was invalid/corrupted the simulation window would
    still open allowing inadvertant overwriting of the simulation. The
    simulation window will not open for a bad file any more.

Version 1.4.8, Oct 2013

  1. Now includes APSIM
    7.5 components. Includes later fixes for the Sorghum component
    performance issue, and N uptake fixes for Plant.
  2. The Manager script
    editor now includes a popup code assistant that will display a pick
    list of component’s properties and subscribed events when typing.
  3. Hints on the model palette can have the path name to the model dll. Turn this on in the options dialog.
  4. More options in the options dialog.
  5. In the Manager script editor, the matching braces are highlighted as you type.
  6. Model palette names can now be changed from the popup menu option.
  7. The filter for the Output component variable selection tree now has a new option to only show the selected items.
  8. The Output component now has support for the sqlite database.
  9. The Output component can export a simulation or whole Analysis to a flat database table of SQLite, MS Access or HDF.
  10. When selecting
    models in the model tree or the Analysis tree, the expanded state of
    the treenodes in the initialisation tree is stored. This makes it much
    easier to navigate and compare initial values for models.
  11. The AusFarm settings for the model palette are moved from the Windows registry to an XML file for more flexibility.
  12. Manager scripts: Arrays can now be defined with a size value from a constant.
  13. Manager scripts: DayOfYear function added.
  14. The
    Translator component used as a proxy for a number of APSIM components
    now has an initialisation dialog for easier configuration.
  15. The Simulation Results dialog now has a Clear all selected variables option.


  1. The Stock component now feeds young stock correctly when they are fed in a feedlot situation with their mothers.
  2. Modifications
    to the Manager component: } and ; don’t cause problems in text strings.
    Opening and closing braces {} are checked to see that there are none
    missing. Arrays declared as const have their array members checked correctly.
  3. Selected variables in the charting dialog are reselected properly when reopening the dialog.
  4. Fixed the access violation when editing init values in the grid on the simulation window.
  5. When
    adding and removing models from the model palette, there were some
    unexpected mix ups in the ordering and access to the correct model.
  6. The Export simulation works correctly again.
  7. When
    opening and then saving a report template in an Analysis, the
    previously selected variables for the Output component do not get
  8. Summary tables in reports now display correctly when used for a single simulation.
  9. The report footer now shows the correct month in the date.
  10. Fixed the Output component so it works again when using a Firebird server database.
  11. Naming of reports in an Analysis tree is improved. Reports now will have unique names.
  12. Comments containing multiple ! characters now display correctly.
  13. Bookmarks in Manager scripts now work correctly for each Manager component script in the simulation.
  14. Right click on TextOut component now only allows text file opening if the file exists.
  15. Imported GrassGro Farm Systems now set the start and end run times correctly and don’t crash.
  16. Maximum paddock area allowed by the Paddock dialog is now 1000000 ha.
  17. If
    a selected variable in a report was text with only spaces the
    simulation would stop with an error. Outputs are now checked that they
    are not empty text.
  18. When the Output
    component reporting interval was set to month or year the reporting
    system would fail. It now handles these reporting intervals correctly.
  19. The Stock component buy event now permits a broader range of valid weight and condition score values.
  20. Pasture
    component dialog layout has been revised for smaller screen dimensions
    and the nutrient values are loaded and saved correctly now.
  21. Components dropped into a simulation from the Repository now have their dll paths resolved correctly.

Version 1.4.7, Feb 2013

  1. Stock component Split event now allows tagging of the new animal group immediately.
  2. Pasture component dialog now shows when the parameters are overriden by a Windows registry setting.


  1. Cashbook component dialog grid now adds and deletes columns correctly.

Version 1.4.6, Nov 2012

  1. Now includes APSIM 7.4 components.
  2. From
    the preferences it is now possible to allow the time server component
    to be visible so that it can be used as a factor in an Analysis.
  3. Hint on the Analysis progress bar shows the current treatment that is be processed.


  1. Connection of driving variables among multiple paddocks has been refined to enable SurfaceOM to function as expected.
  2. Changes to Pasture component to ensure that SWIM3 works properly. Also
    modified to delegate litter dynamics to a surface residue model if it
    locates one (by identifying the “surfaceom_c” variable)
  3. Improved the importing dialog so that files can be found more easily and the suggested changes are reduced and improved.
  4. Improved the component description view for APSIM components so that the description text shows correctly.

Version 1.4.5, May 2012

  1. Printing is now available from the Manager script editor.
  2. The Standard Repository now includes the examples from the User Notes #2 document


  1. The tutorial
    document has been revised and improved. The user notes documents for
    APSIM components and livestock management have been updated.
  2. Stock component description document improved.
  3. Stock component properties have better descriptions that show up in the Variables tab.
  4. The stock component will now complain when the ‘sex’ parameter to the buy function receives an invalid value.
  5. Better
    error messages when a published event connection fails. Errors trapped
    when a message is attempted to be sent are now handled better and the
    system terminates correctly.
  6. Manager documentation now includes on_event and subroutine useage details.
  7. Calculated expressions now work correctly in reports.
  8. Updated help file.
  9. Issue with stock component range check error on birth date fixed.

Version 1.4.4, Apr 2012

  1. Added find dialog to component info dialog so searching of
    component properties is much easier.
  2. Added an option in the Options dialog to set a custom text
    editor path.
  3. The configured text editor can be used to view the
    SDML of simulation and the trace log file.
  4. A Textout component now has a popup menu option of opening
    the output text file in the text editor.
  5. The Weather component now provides ‘co2_ppm’ and
    ‘co2_coeffs’ as writeable properties.
  6. N
    uptake logic revised to match the APSIM-Plant logic more precisely
    (maximal N uptake during early growth) in the APTRANS component.
  7. The
    Condor job is now created to use a native code auscmd unless there is a
    .net component in the simulation which causes the managed code auscmd
    to be used with the managed code engine.
  8. The File menu has the recently opened files list in a Reopen sub
    menu. The maximum number of files can be set on the Options dialog.


  1. Expand collapse option in model tree works better now.
  2. Better handling of error messages from APSIM components
    ensures that a Complete is returned when requested.
  3. When
    running more than 10 treatments in an Analysis the run gauge was not
    displaying. Also the reports had faulty start and end dates.
  4. The
    Stock component now owns it’s own random number generator so that other
    threads do not impact on random functions. This allows for repeatable
    results when required for a simulation when multiple threads are
  5. The Pasture component dialog now always shows and uses the fertility scalar value.
  6. Upgrading APSIM simulations now copies uptake_source init value when required.
  7. Fixed
    a bug in the Pasture component that was causing simulations to crash at
    the end when more than one Pasture component was in the same paddock.
  8. Cashbook component now operates properly in APSIM by not responding to incorrect report event.
  9. When creating a new simulation the Manager component is now sequenced correctly.
  10. Fixed
    major bug when running simulations concurrently that caused dates to
    become unstable in Time server, Textout, Manager, Cashbook and Stock.
  11. Weather
    component handles APSIM SILO files with longer lines properly. It also
    shows informativer error messages when dates in the file are
  12. Exporting OutputDB component results to HDF can now handle missing integer values.
  13. Fixed some bugs on the Stock component dialog.
  14. Writing to Firebird databases now works again.

Version 1.4.3, Nov 2011

  1. Integrated the APSIM 7.3 components.
  2. Added an option to upgrade a simulation using APSIM 7.2
    component to use APSIM 7.3 components.
  3. When creating a Condor task that contains ASPIM component,
    the support dll’s are copied across also.
  4. Help file has more information regarding the generation of
    Condor jobs.
  5. AusFarm
    can now support the loading of .net compiled components. They can be
    installed in the palette and used in simulations. When opening a
    simulation with a .net component in it, AusFarm knows to use the .net
    CMP engine.
  6. When importing ASPIM .sim files, the paddock is replaced
    with an AusFarm paddock.
  7. The layout in the component information dialog has been
    improved and condensed.


  1. When running two Analyses that have identically named
    factors and factor values, the temporary file names no longer clash.
  2. The error log path set on the Logging tab remains stable
  3. Better
    handling of loading simulations that contain component initialisation
    sections that are older than the current component’s version.
  4. Fixed some issues that stopped the creation of Condor jobs.
  5. Using APSIM .xml context files fixed again.
  6. AusFarm
    was crashing seriously with no details shown when the simulation was
    started. This was due to stock parameter files missing.

Version 1.4.2, Aug 2011

  1. Weather component now reads latitude and longitude properly
    from new SILO files.
  2. Analyses with exactly 10 treatments failed to run and
    showed no error message.

Version 1.4.2, Mar 2011

  1. Manager scripts: Replaced the text operator with str. Defining text
    variables can be done using the keywords text or string.
  2. Manager script editor line numbers are shown to required
    number of digits correctly now.
  3. The model tree sub items can be expanded and collapsed
    using Ctrl+right/left.
  4. Manager script editor remembers it’s place in the code when
    you come back to it after selecting another component.
  5. APSIM components can now use their XML configuration files
    rather than relying on a .ctx context file.

Version 1.4.1, Jul 2010

  1. AusFarm can import GrassGro Farm Systems. This feature does
    not import all the management or livestock details yet.
  2. The weather component can now unarchive weather data as
    GrassGro does. Help file has also been enhanced.
  3. The Management script editor now has hotkeys for searching
    text. Ctrl+F and F3.
  4. The logging settings on the logging tab on the simulation
    now belong to the simulation not globally to the application. This
    should aleviate some problems with clashes of files when running
    simulations concurrently.


  1. Pasture component has been modified to include kl and ll
    values table. Some of the data entry controls have been revised also.
  2. Weather component dialog improved and problems fixed.
  3. The selected variables grid on the simulation results
    has been modifed so that the combo boxes for aggregation and colour are
    hidden properly when losing focus.
  4. The sequence dialog now correctly shows the check boxes.
  5. Access violation on sequence dialog fixed.
  6. Renaming a report in the Analysis tree works properly now
    and doesn’t stop the reshowing of a report.
  7. Dragging a record field into the Manager script from the
    variables tree now uses the correct field delimiter.
  8. The Error message is now correctly passed through a sub
    system to the simulation component.
  9. The Manager editor now shows correctly when clicking on a
    Manager factor value that is part of a system.
  10. Adding and removing components from the model palette while
    simulation is open does not corrupt the icons in the model trees

Version 1.4.0, Apr 2010

  1. Components now include descriptions of properties and
    events and
    they are now shown in the AusFarm interface using tooltips or when you
    bring up the component description dialog.


  1. Tree of components always loads properly when clicking on
    the Events tab.
  2. HDF dll now loads properly.
  3. A few other minor bugs fixed.

Version 1.3.8, Mar 2010

  1. Includes latest 2009 revisions to the Common Modelling
  2. Improved error messages shown after an error is generated.
  3. Improved the importing of 3rd party simulation files.
  4. Improved the drag and drop logic for dragging components
    and systems from the Repository to the model tree.
  5. APSIM components used as factors show their init sections
  6. Various other user interface fixes.


  1. Added an option to the Output component popup menu in the
    tree. It is now possible to convert the output to a HDF file format.
    For information about the HDF format see: The HDF Group website.
    To download a HDF Viewer goto this link.
  2. Modified the import/export simulation options on the File
  3. It is now possible to load a pure SDML simulation into
    AusFarm even if the components are not installed in the palette.
  4. Added shortcut keys for adding factors.

Version 1.3.6, Apr 2009

  1. The Repository is now a docked window at the bottom of the
    main MDI window.
  2. The Repository is now divided into ‘standard’ and
    ‘custom’ sections.
  3. The
    support files for the command line program that runs under Condor are
    now automatically copied to the condor working directory.

Version 1.3.5, Mar 2009

  1. Improved handling of missing weather files in weather


  1. Errors shown on the error tab include any errors generated
    during early initialisation stages of the simulation.
  2. Output component can now connect to Firebird databases on
    remote servers.

Version 1.3.4, Oct 2008

  1. Many help file links from dialogs have been added or fixed.
  2. Weather component using SILO data now uses vapour
    pressure in the correct units.
  3. A number of bug fixes.


  1. Import option for opening a third party simulation that
    requires component paths to be modified.
  2. When adding a component to the palette, the destination tab
    can be chosen.
  3. Added ability to export Analysis into a Condor job.
  4. Changes to CO2 reponse submodel in pasture component.

Version 1.3.3, May 2008

  1. Batch processing works properly with simulation files that
    are Analyses.
  2. Some bugs with DDML types and connections fixed.
  3. Repository now stores APSIM component context information.
  4. A number of other general fixes.


  1. Reports now support Summary tables and calculated
    expression columns.

Version 1.3.2, Nov 2007

  1. Fixes for the simulation Analysis processing when a factor
    is a system component.
  2. A number of component updates.
  3. Tested with more APSRU components,
  4. Can write event handlers in the Manager
    script (not in help file yet).
  5. Pasture: “fertility”, “seeds” and
    “green_bd” properties now writeable
  6. Stock: “add_animals” event added to the
    component, added initialization variable “rand_seed”, which can be used
    to initialize the random number generator.
  7. Improved performance of the Output and Textout
  8. A number of other general fixes.


  1. Reports can now be stored in the repository.
  2. Can filter the list of output vars in the list of outputs
    for the Output component.
  3. Help file updated. Added sections in the help file for
    Analysis and batch processing.

Version 1.3, Aug 2007

  1. Can now process simulation Analyses.
  2. Added ability to use Reports.